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Meet Enny

Our Creative Director

I am a woman of many passions. I love music, books, travel and I love to meet people. I  have been told I am very dramatic (I still refuse to accept this verdict) but then again, what is life without some drama!

My first passion is branding and advertising. Growing up, I would rather watch TV ads than cartoons. There is so much creativity that goes into summarising a story into 45 seconds and convincing an audience to buy into that story.

I studied advertising at the AAA School of Advertising, South Africa and later got an MSc in Marketing Communications from the School of Media and Communication, Pan Atlantic University.

As the first of three daughters, being responsible for practically everything and doing a lot of heavy lifting was inevitable.  All my life, I have been inclined towards organising things and giving direction especially in knotty situations.

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I can’t wait to chat with you.

I have also always been the de-facto organiser in almost any group I am a part of. There is a kick that being put in charge of a project or being under pressure gives me so event planning is a natural calling. 

Organising events seamlessly is a grace I do not take for granted so it was an easy decision to use this gift to add value to people’s lives.

I am a certified Event Planner, trained at the Zapphaire Training School, foremost event management school, founded by Nigeria’s pioneer event planner, Funke Bucknor-Obruthe.

I am also registered with Nigeria’s foremost Event Planning body, APPMOEN.

Ruth and Sheba is a vision for excellence and continuous improvement just like we see through the lives of Ruth and the Queen of Sheba in the Christian bible. 

They were both amazons and trailblazers in their own right. Setting the pace and making a mark.  

These values are at the core of our event management company. 

I am married with 3 children, a puppy and 4 pet fishes.